Let’s have a chat and get you on the path to total wellness.
Keeping on top of your wellness at any life stage can be overwhelming, but preparing for parenthood can be even more so. I’m here to take that stress away and help you to become your healthiest and most energetic self.
Frequently asked questions
Testing is not included in the package price. I try to facilitate testing via the GP, NHS, or other chosen healthcare provider, but private blood testing is often required to assess a broader range of necessary blood markers. I also use functional testing in my clinic to help pinpoint the root cause(s) of your symptoms. Functional testing can include but is not limited to: GI Ecologix Gut Microbiome Vaginal Microbiome, Oral and Urinary Microbiome, SIBO testing, DUTCH testing, OATS testing, Metabolomix testing and genetic testing. Thorough testing can enable me to really tailor and personalise dietary, lifestyle and supplement advice which can often bring faster results.
It depends on the test, but most can be carried out in the comfort of your own home e.g., finger-prick blood tests, DUTCH test, OATS tests, Metabolomix tests and microbiome samples for gut, vaginal, oral, and urinary cultures. Samples are sent back directly to the relevant laboratory for processing. and all testing equipment and instructions are provided by the laboratory. Blood tests can require phlebotomy services for blood draws and if this is necessary, an in-person appointment at a convenient clinic to you will be necessary. I will always support my clients in finding the best testing solution for them, including clinic location if an in-person visit is needed. I can also arrange for a nurse to visit you at home (additional charges apply). GP referral letters are provided for blood markers that should be accessible through the NHS.
Tests and supplements are not included in the package price. I respect budget, but I will advise if I think a supplement and/or test is absolutely necessary to obtain the best results when working together. I use supplements therapeutically and believe they aren’t necessarily needed full time, but often a minimum of 3-6 months supplement support is required for most of the clients I see. I will provide a maintenance supplement plan, if necessary, at the end of our package together.
The fertility foundations package is aimed at individuals and the ultimate package is for those that would like to come and see me as a couple. I strongly recommend the ultimate package if there has been a diagnosis of unexplained infertility, or you have suffered multiple miscarriages. Discovery calls are an important place to start for both you and I to assess the support required within the services My fertility packages are 4 months minimum as this is the time needed to implement the necessary testing, diet, lifestyle, and supplement changes. The pregnancy package is aimed at those wanting support throughout their pregnancy and to prepare for post-partum.
With a diagnosis of infertility it is important that both contributing parties have a thorough and holistic health check, particularly if you have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility or have suffered multiple miscarriages. Often men’s fertility health is overlooked. I like to know that there are no male infertility factors contributing to the infertility picture. Comprehensive blood work as well as a sperm analysis are recommended. DNA fragmentation testing and other functional semen analysis maybe useful depending on the results of the basic bloods and sperm analysis.
100% yes, in fact I’d say it’s crucial to support your body if you are going through IVF or other assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs). Many underestimate the toll any form for ART can have on your physical and mental health. Research has shown that nutrition and lifestyle are extremely impactful on fertility success. Working on how to optimise your egg quality, vaginal and gut microbiomes, sperm health and blood sugar levels in both male and females can improve chances of a successful conception considerably, with a caveat, TIME! Nutritional therapy needs a minimum of 3 months to have sufficient impact which is why my packages are a minimum of 4 months.
I need 12 weeks as a minimum to prepare my clients for conception and fertility. Eggs take around three to four months to mature and sperm production takes approximately 90 days. Our diet and lifestyle during the period prior to conception have a significant impact on the success of a pregnancy but most importantly the health of the pregnancy. My current pre-conception and fertility packages are 16-week packages to reflect the time needed to implement testing, results from the testing and diet and lifestyle support.
My pregnancy and post-natal packages span over the entire pregnancy, with nutritional consultations being scheduled for first, second and third trimester, with a final consultation 6-weeks post-partum to check in on mama and baby. I will suggest periodic blood marker testing if there are underlying health issues that may threaten the health of the pregnancy. I often suggest a blood panel post-partum to check in on any possible nutrient deficiencies and/or issues that could do with increased support, e.g., the thyroid.