The health risks associated with transferring multiple embryos for maternal and foetal health
Fertility, Nutrition, Wellness Whitney Lodge Fertility, Nutrition, Wellness Whitney Lodge

The health risks associated with transferring multiple embryos for maternal and foetal health

When making the decision on how many embryos to transfer during ART, it’s important to understand risk factors associated with transferring more than one single embryo for the health of both mother and foetus. Multiple pregnancies, particularly twins, are commonly associated with conception via IVF because multiple embryo transfer is commonly indicated as an effective strategy by some clinics to improve the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.

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The role of zinc in male fertility
Fertility, Nutrition, Wellness Whitney Lodge Fertility, Nutrition, Wellness Whitney Lodge

The role of zinc in male fertility

Zinc is one of the most abundant trace elements in humans and is found in high concentrations in the male reproductive organs of healthy men. A deficiency in dietary zinc impairs reproduction and fertility in both males and females. Zinc is found in high concentrations in the prostate, testes and semen highlighting its significant role in male fertility. It cannot be stored in the body and is easily lost through ejaculation, making its consumption paramount through dietary means and in some cases therapeutic supplementation.

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Sexual health and it’s role in conception + beyond
Fertility, Nutrition, Wellness Whitney Lodge Fertility, Nutrition, Wellness Whitney Lodge

Sexual health and it’s role in conception + beyond

When trying to conceive a baby, it’s quite common that the act of love making goes out of the window and it just becomes purely about baby making. This can have a drastic impact on a couple’s relationship both sexually and emotionally. The pressure can cause distress for both the male and female and symptoms such as erectile dysfunction can present as soon as the pressure to ‘get pregnant’ features.

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The role of the microbiome in preventing pregnancy loss
Fertility, Nutrition, Wellness Whitney Lodge Fertility, Nutrition, Wellness Whitney Lodge

The role of the microbiome in preventing pregnancy loss

A continuously growing and evolving body of research highlights the significant role of the microbiome. Whilst research is ongoing and a definitive causal link hasn't been established, a growing body of evidence suggests that microbial dysbiosis—an imbalance in the microbial communities—is associated with repeat pregnancy loss (RPL).

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